Yanelys Morera Diaz
Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Cuba
Yanelys Morera Diaz was graduated at the Biology Faculty, Havana University. She has been working since as a staff scientist at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Havana, Cuba. She has worked in the Cancer Immunotherapy Group at the Biomedical Research Area in the fields of Molecular Biology and Immunology, specifically in the development of a therapeutic vaccine candidate for cancer. Yanelys has published several articles, is author of five National awards of the Sciences Academy of Cuba and is author of three Health National Awards. She received a Master in Sciences degree in Biotechnology (CIGB) in 2010 and got her Ph .D. in Biological Sciences from the University of Havana in 2013. For this work she received the National Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award. Currently, Yanelys Morera is the head of Cancer Immunotherapy Laboratory and is devoted to the study of the immunological response of cancer patients vaccinated with HeberSaVax.