Call for Abstract

15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, will be organized around the theme “Discussion on Novel research technologies and practical challenges in Vaccination”

Vaccines Summit 2017 is comprised of 23 tracks and 143 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Vaccines Summit 2017.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Vaccination can be defined as active immunity produced by vaccine. It is immunity and immunologic memory similar to natural infection but without risk of disease. There are two basic types of vaccines: live attenuated and inactivated. Live attenuated vaccines are produced by modifying a disease-producing virus or bacterium in a laboratory. Vaccines derived from bacterium is called as bacterial vaccine and from virus is as viral vaccine. The resulting vaccine organism retains the ability to replicate and produce immunity, but usually does not cause illness. Inactivated vaccines can be composed of either whole viruses or bacteria, or fractions of either.

  • Track 1-1Viral Hepatitis, Influenza Vaccine
  • Track 1-2Virus-like particles as vaccines, vectors and adjutants
  • Track 1-3Vaccines against vector borne Diseases
  • Track 1-4Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis vaccine
  • Track 1-5Viral vaccines

Vaccination is the administration of agent-specific, but relatively harmless, antigenic components that in vaccinated individuals can induce protective immunity against the corresponding infectious agent. In practice, the terms “vaccination” and “immunization” are often used interchangeably. Vaccination is a highly effective method of preventing certain infectious diseases. Vaccines are generally very safe and serious adverse reactions are uncommon. Routine immunization programmes protect most of the world’s children from a number of infectious diseases that previously claimed millions of lives each year.

  • Track 2-1Genetic Susceptibility to Infectious Diseases
  • Track 2-2Protection from tuberculosis by vaccination
  • Track 2-3Vaccines for leprosy
  • Track 2-4Vaccines for Flu infections
  • Track 2-5Chickenpox vaccines
  • Track 2-6Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B vaccines

Cancer is the name given for these diseases in which the body cells become abnormal and divide without control. Cancer cells may invade nearby tissues. And they may spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system to other parts of the body. The aim of cancer vaccines is to stimulate the immune system to be able to recognise cancer cells as abnormal and destroy them. Some vaccines for particular cancers have been developed and are being tested to see whether they can treat a cancer, or help to stop it from coming back after cancer treatment. There are two major categories that cancer vaccines fit into: Specific cancer vaccine & Universal cancer vaccine. As the name suggests, specific cancer vaccines are designed to treat specific types of cancers. In other words, a vaccine could be developed for lung cancer, another vaccine could be used to treat colon cancer and yet another vaccine could treat skin cancer and so on. A more appealing cancer vaccine would be one that could fight cancer cells regardless of cancer type. This type of vaccine is called a universal cancer vaccine. 

  • Track 3-1Immunotherapy on targeting cancer gene therapy
  • Track 3-2Cancer Therapeutic Vaccines
  • Track 3-3Preventive cancer vaccines
  • Track 3-4Immunotherapy of cancer vaccines
  • Track 3-5Research on cancer vaccines

Scientists take many approaches to designing vaccines against a microbe. These choices are typically based on fundamental information about the microbe, such as how it infects cells and how the immune system responds to it, as well as practical considerations, such as regions of the world where the vaccine would be used. A DNA vaccine against a microbe would evoke a strong antibody response to the free-floating antigen secreted by cells, and the vaccine also would stimulate a strong cellular response against the microbial antigens displayed on cell surfaces. The DNA vaccine couldn’t cause the disease because it wouldn’t contain the microbe, just copies of a few of its genes. In addition, DNA vaccines are relatively easy and inexpensive to design and produce. Inactivated vaccines can be composed of either whole viruses or bacteria, or fractions of either. Fractional vaccines are either protein-based or polysaccharide-based.

  • Track 4-1Plasmid vectors & Delivery methods
  • Track 4-2Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids usage in paediatrics
  • Track 4-3Bacterial Toxins and Immunology

Combination vaccines take two or more vaccines that could be given individually and put them into one shot. Children get the same protection as they do from individual vaccines given separately—but with fewer shots.The use of combination vaccines improves timely vaccination coverage, according to several studies.Conjugate polysaccharide vaccines are those in which the polysaccharide is chemically linked to a protein. This linkage makes the polysaccharide a more potent vaccine. Polysaccharide coatings disguise a bacterium’s antigens so that the immature immune systems of infants and younger children can’t recognize or respond to them. 

  • Track 5-1New approaches to combat bacterial pathogens
  • Track 5-2Severe combined immunodeficiency
  • Track 5-3Bivalent Vaccines, Trivalent Vaccines, Multivalent Vaccines
  • Track 5-4Vaccine resistance and need of Next-Gen Conjugate Vaccines
  • Track 5-5Vaccines formulation and technologies used in conjugated vaccines

Travel vaccines are recommended to provide protection against diseases endemic to the country of origin or of destination. They are intended to protect travellers and to prevent disease spread within and between countries.There is no single vaccination schedule that fits all travellers. Each schedule must be individualized according to the traveller’s previous immunizations, health status and risk factors, the countries to be visited, the type and duration of travel, and the amount of time available before departure. 

  • Track 6-1Diseases caused by animals or ticks borne infections
  • Track 6-2Allergy & Infections due to air & water pollution
  • Track 6-3Advantages of edible vaccines
  • Track 6-4Vectors, Obstacles and risks with edible vaccines
  • Track 6-5Pain free vaccination method
  • Track 6-6New approaches of development in Edible vaccines

Malaria continues to claim an estimated 2 to 3 million lives annually and to account for untold morbidity in the approximately 300 to 500 million people infected annually. Malaria is considered a re-emerging disease, due largely to the spread of drug-resistant parasite strains, decay of health-care infrastructure and difficulties in implementing and maintaining vector control programs in many developing countries. Four species of protozoan parasites cause malaria in humans: Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale. P. falciparum is responsible for the majority of deaths and most of the severe forms of disease, including cerebral malaria. 

  • Track 7-1Malaria Vaccines for pregnants and newborns
  • Track 7-2Novel methods in TB vaccination

The term 'hepatitis' means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis can be caused by viruses, other infectious agents, alcohol, and other chemicals. The two viruses that most commonly infect the liver are the hepatitis A virus and the hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis B is a serious disease caused by a virus that attacks the liver. The virus, which is called hepatitis B virus (HBV), can cause lifelong infection, cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, liver cancer, liver failure, and death. Hepatitis B vaccine is available for all age groups to prevent HBV infection.

The most important breakthroughs of the past century involved the development of vaccines to protect against viruses: smallpox, polio, hepatitis, human papillomavirus (HPV), and even chickenpox. But one virus remains elusive to those seeking to create a vaccine to guard against it: HIV.


  • Track 8-1Hepatitis A Vaccines
  • Track 8-2Hepatitis B Vaccines
  • Track 8-3HIV Vaccines
  • Track 8-4Vaccines for STD’s
  • Track 8-5Combination vaccines for HIV, Hepatitis
  • Track 8-6Novel research in HIV and STD vaccines

Immunization against diseases such as polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis saves the lives of approximately three million people each year. Immunization also prevents many more millions from suffering debilitating illness and lifelong disability. Globally, approximately 132 million babies need to be fully immunized each year. In order to meet this need, immunization systems must have adequate resources, trained and motivated staff, and ample vaccine and syringe supplies.

  • Track 9-1Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids usage in paediatrics
  • Track 9-2Vaccines for Respiratory infections
  • Track 9-3Gastro intestinal Vaccination
  • Track 9-4Severe reactions to foods, insect stings, and medications (anaphylaxis)
  • Track 9-5Neonatal respiratory syncytial virus infection vaccine

Patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID) such as RA, IBD or psoriasis, are at increased risk of infection, partially because of the disease itself, but mostly because of treatment with immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive drugs. In spite of their elevated risk for vaccine-preventable disease, vaccination coverage in IMID patients is surprisingly low. This review summarizes current literature data on vaccine safety and efficacy in IMID patients treated with immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory drugs and formulates best-practice recommendations on vaccination in this population. Especially in the current era of biological therapies, including TNF-blocking agents, special consideration should be given to vaccination strategies in IMID patients. Clinical evidence indicates that immunization of IMID patients does not increase clinical parameters of disease activity. Live vaccines are contraindicated in immunocompromized individuals, but non-live vaccines can safely be given. Although the reduced quality of the immune response in patients under immunotherapy may have a negative impact on vaccination efficacy in this population, adequate humoral response to vaccination in IMID patients has been demonstrated for hepatitis B, influenza and pneumococcal vaccination. 

  • Track 10-1Innate immunity and diabetes
  • Track 10-2Central nervous system-targeted & Tissue-specific autoimmunity
  • Track 10-3Immunodeficiency diseases vaccines
  • Track 10-4Vaccines for Autoimmune skin disorders & neuropathies

An emerging infectious disease (EID) is an infectious disease whose incidence has increased in the past 20 years and could increase in the near future. Emerging infections account for at least 12% of all human pathogens. And Re-emerging infectious diseases are diseases that once were major health problems globally or in a particular country, and then declined dramatically, but are again becoming health problems for a significant proportion of the population.


  • Track 11-1Emergence and Re- emergence of Mosquito borne diseases
  • Track 11-2Flu: Current research and future research strategies
  • Track 11-3Global dengue: Challenges and promises
  • Track 11-4Ebola: Overview and therapeutics

Vaccine production has several stages. First, the antigen itself is generated. Viruses are grown either on primary cells such as chicken eggs (e.g., for influenza) or on continuous cell lines such as cultured human cells (e.g., for hepatitis A). Bacteria are grown in bioreactors (e.g., Haemophilus influenzae type b).

There is currently intense research activity aimed at the development of new delivery systems for vaccines. The goal is to identify optimal methods for presenting target antigens to the immune system in a manner that will elicit immune responses appropriate for protection against, or treatment of, a specific disease. 


  • Track 12-1Modeling signaling pathways and transcriptional networks
  • Track 12-2Cellular communication, migration and dynamics
  • Track 12-3Personalized medicine
  • Track 12-4Mucosal Vaccine Delivery and Development
  • Track 12-5Latest techniques and advancements in Vaccine delivery systems

The safety and effectiveness of vaccines are under constant study. Because vaccines are designed to be given routinely during well-child care visits, they must be extraordinarily safe. Safety testing begins as soon as a new vaccine is contemplated, continues until it is approved by the FDA, and is monitored indefinitely after licensure. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) works closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to make recommendations for vaccine use.

  • Track 13-1Usage and awareness in public
  • Track 13-2Live attenuated new vaccines
  • Track 13-3Pain free vaccine delivery system

2 important topics of current good manufacturing practices as they apply to vaccine products: product inspections and stability testing. The perspective presented is that of regulated industry. There are 2 major categories of product/facility inspections: those occurring before licensure of a vaccine product and those occurring after a vaccine product is licensed. The logistics and focus of each inspection type, the preapproval inspection, and the required biennial inspection are discussed, as are guidance and recommendations for achieving successful inspections. The requirements, guidance, and recommendations regarding the type, amount, and extensiveness of stability data for vaccine products are presented. 

  • Track 14-1Business Development & investment in New Approaches
  • Track 14-2Vaccines Investments and partnerships
  • Track 14-3Vaccines Marketing & Cost effective production
  • Track 14-4Economic implications of bacterial resistance

Many adults feel that they do not need vaccinations, or worry about side effects from the vaccine itself, but people age 65 and older are at higher risk of complications from the actual diseases. It is important for older adults to keep vaccines current: they may not have been vaccinated as a child, new vaccinations may now be available, immunity may have faded, and most importantly, seniors are more susceptible to serious and possibly life-threatening infections.

  • Track 15-1Immunization and its side effects in geriatrics
  • Track 15-2Vaccine dosing and administration in older adults
  • Track 15-3Herpes zoster vaccine
  • Track 15-4Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
  • Track 15-5Contraindications and precautions during vaccination in geriatrics
  • Track 15-6Risk factors in geriatric immunization

When vaccines are mentioned most people think of immunization against childhood infectious diseases. However, in recent years the uses to which vaccines are being put has dramatically expanded beyond traditional infectious disease applications. Vaccines currently in preclinical and clinical development target prevention or treatment of a wide range of non-infectious diseases including cancer, allergy, asthma, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkison’s disease and even nicotine and cocaine addiction. For the most part such vaccines aim to induce neutralizing antibodies against foreign or self-antigens, thereby blocking their activity and ability to induce disease.

  • Track 16-1Live, attenuated, New Vaccines
  • Track 16-2Latest Innovations and developments

Many of the main advances in Immunology have arisen as a result of the use of animals. The development of transplantation surgery and the development of new medicines and vaccines would not be possible without animal research. The use of animal models has helped us understand how infectious diseases occur. This has led scientists to develop preventative treatments in the form of vaccines to help reduce the likelihood of someone being infected with a dangerous microbe, such as those responsible for causing polio, diphtheria, and hepatitis C. 

Transgenic plants have been identified as promising expression systems for vaccine production. Complex plants such as tobacco, potato, tomato, and banana can have genes inserted that cause them to produce vaccines usable for humans. Bananas have been developed that produce a human vaccine against Hepatitis B. 

  • Track 17-1Bio therapeutics in vaccination
  • Track 17-2Vaccines under research & Development and support
  • Track 17-3Innovations and clinical trials
  • Track 17-4Transplantation Vaccines & Immunology

Vaccines can help keep you and your growing family healthy. If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, the specific vaccinations you need are determined by factors such as your age, lifestyle, medical conditions you may have, such as asthma or diabetes, type and locations of travel, and previous vaccinations. CDC has guidelines for the vaccines you need before, during, and after pregnancy. Some vaccines, such as the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, should be given a month or more before pregnancy. You should get some vaccines, like Tdap (to protect against whooping cough), during your pregnancy. 

  • Track 18-1Whooping Cough Vaccines in pregnant women
  • Track 18-2Halting Vaccination in Pregnancy
  • Track 18-3Chiropractic vaccination care in women and pregnancy
  • Track 18-4Immunization during or before Pregnancy / Delivery
  • Track 18-5Chickenpox, Diphtheria vaccines
  • Track 18-6HIV and other STD Vaccines for pregnant women
  • Track 18-7HPB, HAV, HBV vaccination for neonates

Mouse models of human cancer have played a vital role in understanding tumorigenesis and answering experimental questions that other systems cannot address. Advances continue to be made that allow better understanding of the mechanisms of tumor development, and therefore the identification of better therapeutic and diagnostic strategies. We review major advances that have been made in modeling cancer in the mouse and specific areas of research that have been explored with mouse models.

  • Track 19-1Innovations and clinical trials in vaccination
  • Track 19-2Diagnostic and clinical applications
  • Track 19-3Engineered mouse models in cancer
  • Track 19-4Research and development of viral vaccines, including field trials

The response to pathogens is composed by the complex interactions and activities of the large number of diverse cell types involved in the immune response. The innate immune response is the first line of defense and occurs soon after pathogen exposure. It is carried out by phagocytic cells such as neutrophils and macrophages, cytotoxic natural killer (NK) cells, and granulocytes. The subsequent adaptive immune response includes antigen-specific defense mechanisms and may take days to develop. Cell types with critical roles in adaptive immunity are antigen-presenting cells including macrophages and dendritic cells. 

  • Track 20-1Autoimmunity & Immunomodulation
  • Track 20-2Delayed-type hypersensitivity or cellular immunity
  • Track 20-3Immunologic deficiency states and their reconstitution
  • Track 20-4Transplantation immunology
  • Track 20-5Non antibody immunity and recent innovations
  • Track 20-6 Natural killer cell immunology
  • Track 20-7Antigen receptor sites

Clinical immunology is the study of diseases caused by disorders of the immune system (failure, aberrant action, and malignant growth of the cellular elements of the system). It also involves diseases of other systems, where immune reactions play a part in the pathology and clinical features.

The diseases caused by disorders of the immune system fall into two broad categories:

Immunodeficiency, in which parts of the immune system fail to provide an adequate response (examples include chronic granulomatous disease and primary immune diseases);

Autoimmunity, in which the immune system attacks its own host's body (examples include systemic lupus erythematosus, rhematoid arthritis, Hashimoto's disease and myasthenia gravis). 

  • Track 21-1Autoimmunity & Biotechnology
  • Track 21-2Clinical Laboratory Immunology
  • Track 21-3Immunological aspects of infection
  • Track 21-4Immune regulation
  • Track 21-5Immunological aspects of skin diseases, allergy and anaphylaxis
  • Track 21-6Immune-mediated neurological syndromes
  • Track 21-7Immunological aspects of endocrine diseases & chronic disease

Molecular Immunology is primarily devoted to publications concerned with immunological knowledge at the molecular, cellular and functional levels of innate and acquired immunity, including but not limited to: molecular mechanisms of innate and adaptive immunity phenomena, molecular aspects of immune regulation and immunogenomics, immunoproteomics and immunoglycomics.

  • Track 22-1Immunity and host defences
  • Track 22-2Immunogenetics & Innate immunity
  • Track 22-3Structural genomics
  • Track 22-4Immune regulation & Immunomodulation
  • Track 22-5Pharmacogenetics


Antibody Genetic Engineering & Therapeutics meeting brought together a broad range of participants who were updated on the latest advances in antibody research and development. Organized by IBC Life Sciences, the gathering is the annual meeting of The Antibody Society, which serves as the scientific sponsor. Preconference workshops on 3D modelling and delineation of clonal lineages were featured. 

  • Track 23-1Non antibody immunity
  • Track 23-2Antibody biology & engineering
  • Track 23-3Antibodies as drugs: Immunological scaffolds as therapeutics
  • Track 23-4Antibody-targeted fusion proteins for cancer therapy
  • Track 23-5Genetics and epigenetics of the immune system
  • Track 23-6Antibodies and neuroscience
  • Track 23-7Monoclonal antibodies and organ cancers