Yoshinori HAYAKAWA
Toin University of Yokohama, Japan
Yoshinori HAYAKAWA has graduated Tokyo University, Department of Applied Physics. He received Ph.D. in Tokyo Institute of Technology. He then engaged in Boron-Neutron Therapy in Teikyo University and then Proton Radiation Beam Therapy in University of Tsukuba. He has Measured first in the world acoustic pulse generated in the patient’s body treated by pulsed proton beam. The phenomenon will be used to monitor dose distribution in patients as planed or not. He then becomes a professor in Toin University of Yokohama. He is now a part time lecturer after retirement. He is interested in researches on well-being of human life. He has developed Computer Numerals and New Abacus Numerals for improving basic education to reduce poverty. He has developed Universal Literacy Alphabet as well. He is now developing a plan to eliminate glacial period by reflecting sun light by mirrors on the moon surface and Lagrangian points of moon orbit.